$fdd|1-Late Nite... $8ff|2-Rantings! $fbf by Dr.Dick $ffeIt's 03:30 here in Humberston, I am sat all alone in my little office cos I can't sleep at home, thanks to a bloody dose of the bloody blasted flu that I caught from Kev, who got it from Mark & Jo, etc etc, and so on, my sleep patterns are all shot to hell, I'll probably fall asleep in here at about 8am, but before then, I think I'll have a rant. $ef0|1-Baby's Bums! $7ffGawd this makes me sick! Every bloody advert break there seems to be an ad for either baby wipes or nappies, and the stereotypical trend at the moment is to wipe the baby's bum with either a wipe or someone's hand! I dunno about anyone else, but when I'm eating my dinner/tea/whatever the last thing I want to see is someone stroking a baby's wet arse, urgh! I'll wager child molester-perverty-type blokes want more of these adverts than anyone! When BT cut the "Why is Daddy never home at bathtime?" from their recent ads, why do we still have to put up with far worse? $fcf|1-Nipples! $faaHow come you can show any part of a female breast on TV except the nipple yet you can show all of a bloke's tit? Is this biased or what? Too many ads these days are showing the top/bottom/sides of women's tits but just stopping short of the nipple, but it's okay for blokes to parade theirs, reverse sexism surely? I recall the Nutragena advert that was only on after 9pm and showed some actress in the shower, in maybe two shots you see her nipple, in one of them she runs her hand down her boob and - pidoing!! - up pops an erect nipple, great stuff. It was eventually withdrawn, even though nobody had actually complained about it. Advert of the month? - "Dad never was the sharpest tool in the box"... $dff|1-Amiga Owners! $ffb...specifically JadeFalcon and friends on #amirc. Look you pillocks, Phil and meself have been around on the Amiga for years, we know 'em inside and out, from the chips upwards, but because we now use PC's you think we know absolutely zilch about them, how stupid is that? Kicking someone off #amirc just because they're on Virgin - why _that_ annoyed you I _don't_ know - or they use a PC and fancy an interesting debate about the Amiga and so on, is not big or clever, it just highlights your own insecurities about the machine, confirming our own arguments. The channel has been a _lot_ better these past few weeks, maybe because you were not there? $af0|1-Lazy Readers! $effYou get The Word every issue right? And how many of you actually bother to respond to any of the pleas for fresh articles? Judging by the list of contributors in the article lists I would say about 2 people! Most of the work seems to be done by a small core group of people, with the odd few articles being from new readers. This isn't good enough! Any mag can only exist with the support of you, the readers. If you simply ignore it, and just one or two of those regular contributors fade into the background from outside pressures (ie work or college) then a huge chunk of the article income is lost. Kei is trying to get the mag up to a monthly release, and already is has been delayed through lack of decent articles. $ff0[Yep. That's one of the reasons this issue is out late. :( Kei] $ff8As if that's not bad enough, hardly _anyone_ bothers to come and talk to us on #wibbleworld either... :-( $8ff|1-Pay Sites! $fffBrowsing the net is fast becoming a pain in the arse, especially if you go out looking for nude celebs and the like. There are a few good sites out there that are free to access, but many of them are leaping on the "Let's earn some dosh" bandwagon and charging for access. Even if it's only a few quid a month, it's a large percentage increase in your monthly phone bill. My regular haunts are: Andy Jeffrey's Site ------------------- A nice basic site, spread all over the internet (not that you can tell half the time) for maximum space. Andy has a dedicated Aussie section for all you fans of those soap babes. http://homepages.enterprise.net/andyj/gallery/index.html Deathgate Nude Celebs --------------------- Been offline recently but it might be back, it's essentially one massive list of celebs. http://www.deathgate.com/nudecelebs/list.html Totally Naked Holywood Celebrities Raw! --------------------------------------- Stupid title, it's similar to Deathgate but it currently has some links to live video sites, not that there's much to get excited about. It's also a pay site, you'll have to enter the numbers below to get to the list. http://www.worldclass.inter.net/secure/celebs.html (Username:12307 Password:97160) FragM's Hideout --------------- Mostly dedicated to british celebs, and so not all of them are nude, although he has tried to catch revealing shots wherever possible. The site is, quite frankly, a mess that is only worth a visit cos of the list of celebs. http://www.fragm.mcmail.com/ Of course, you could always visit the ultimate nude celeb video montage site on the web - Bodyshop Central - run by yours truly and Video (both Amiga people at one stage, hence the title), it's a free site, and can be found at: http://freespace.virgin.net/dr.dick/bsc.htm/ Pay sites? You can stick 'em where the sun don't shine! ("That'll be that deep valley over in Slice" said Weaver) BSC will remain a freebie site for as long as it's online, we're looking at a sponsor in case we have to pay for the space it will shortly be using. $9f0|1-U.S.Robotics! $ff3The swines! They keep us waiting for bloody yonks for our x2 modem upgrade for the Sportster WinModem, and then when it does finally arrive the bloody thing wipes the modem and refuses to install! Sods! Surely a company like USR can get a product out quickly and in working order? As far as I can see, the bit missing is the actual 56k Windows driver which I never got with my modem, although people who bought the normal Sportster flash got one. They must have something against me, the swines! The best bit is, ask them about it and they send you a standard reply that has nothing to do with the problem, and even better, they have actually removed the patch from their website! Something is obviously wrong with it, but is there an apology? No, nothing. Continuing the "moans", Sacko phoned USR.uk on my behalf to see what the bloody hell was going on, it turns out that the upgrade should never have been on the website in it's current state. Well *I* could have told them that! I am not the only person with the problem, the first thing the engineer said was "Not another one!", so it isn't just me. Essentially they're going to call back on Monday with a solution for the problem, it will either be a software patch (another one? Oh boy...) or a request to return the modem to USR. Either way it is not good, and I am still without a modem either way, sheesh! $ffd|1-Joseph Cox! $fafHas he been round? Has he buggery! The fact that I haven't been in is entirely besides the point. He then has the cheek to moan at me for not bringing him The Word issue 16 - the Bloated Ninja Warrior! .----------------------------------------------------. | Dr.Dick@Virgin.net IRC: Dr-Dick on #wibbleworld | | ICQ: 1809384 (Saturdays 10pm-1am on DALnet) | | The website: http://freespace.virgin.net/dr.dick/ | |----------------------------------------------------| | K6-225Mhz/75vx/64Mb/1Gb/x2/4x4CD/Mstq/UAE (@^@) | `------------------------------------------oOO(_)OOo-' $ffcend